When you make worthy intent your going-in principle in your business relationships, then credibility, integrity, and authenticity—the three essential qualities for creating relational capital—will be more easily and readily expressed, and you will be well on your way to advancing every business relationship.

Authenticity is about being honest with ourselves and our clients regarding who we are and what we know; it is the quality of being genuine.

I believe that authenticity is sometimes the hardest of the three essential qualities of relational capital to demonstrate, and it requires the highest degree of bravery on our part.

Why? Because at times in business we can get caught up in our image and how we look in front of clients, especially when we do not have all of the answers.

Authentic leadership is a concept introduced by management expert Bill George in his 2003 book “Authentic Leadership” and developed further in the later book “True North.” George describes authentic leadership as a leadership style that is consistent with a leaders’ personality and core values, and that is honest, ethical and practical.

In my opinion to connect with others with authenticity means living your life with absolutely no fear. Try to think for a moment, what kinds of things would you do if you lived and connect without limit and literally could form your world? Authentic networking is all about connecting with other people by being the person you know in your heart you have always been destined to be. Connect to others by being who you are!

I recently shared my vision on Authentic Leadership in a Global Leadership Summit and I want to share with you, my friend, some highlights from my keynote presentation HERE

Itzik Amiel inspiring, motivating and practical talks filmed in May 2015 during the Leadership Summit in Prague.

I am convinced that leadership is more than influence. It certainly includes influence, but it is more. I believe it includes at least seven characteristics. When I speak on this topic, I call this “The Seven Charms of Authentic leadership”.

Do you consider yourself an Authentic leader in your industry? Where can you improve?

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